"Show me Your strong love in wonderful ways, O Savior of all those seeking Your help against their foes. Protect me as You would the pupil of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings as You hover over me." Psalm 17:7-8

Thursday, December 2, 2010

See the World Atop a Reminder Card?

This picture capped a reminder from my dentist regarding my appointment time.  I clicked on it in my inbox and was immediately transported to Ireland where I drove the countryside with my three children a few years ago.  I thought about the infusion of courage God gave me to board a plane bound for another continent, and about how I could have missed living inside a scene such as this had He not made me more aware of His sustaining presence.  Then I thought how sad it would have been to choose to see the world atop a reminder card rather than in the flesh, for fear of stepping outside my comfort zone.

The trip to Ireland required a leap of faith.  I’m thankful God and my children encouraged me to jump!  Not only did I see some of the most picturesque landscapes, but I overcame a number of deep-seated fears.  Claustrophobia and acrophobia were dealt fatal blows on planes, subways, and a tightly packed elevator that transported us to the top of the Eiffel Tower.  After several glorious days in Paris, we took a small plane to Ireland, and galloped across the sea to our destination.  Then, by faith, I climbed behind the wheel of a stick shift rental and navigated miles of narrow roads flanked by lush fields populated with snowy white sheep.  At times we drove the coastline breathless.  As it happened, night fell while we snaked our way through imposing mountains with no sign of human life for miles.  Meanwhile, thick fog rolled in to further test my courage.  White-knuckled I drove until finally we stumbled upon civilization.  Safely seated in a dimly lit booth in a quaint pub, we ate one of the finest meals while recounting the day’s events.

Perceiving God in the fog, in the unfamiliar, on the peaks, in the valleys, around every hair-pin turn thrilled my heart!!  This adventure with Him outside my comfort zone provided me rich foretastes of heaven, and delivered me into a more abundant life.  I grew more secure in the dark, snug against His breast, hidden in the shadow of His wing.

Rest in the shadow, Terry

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