"Show me Your strong love in wonderful ways, O Savior of all those seeking Your help against their foes. Protect me as You would the pupil of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings as You hover over me." Psalm 17:7-8

Friday, December 3, 2010

His Glory Story

Assuming you’ve read my profile, you have an overview of my life.  If not, you might want to read it at this time.  God has written a wonderful story while inside this tent we share on earth, and I pray for grace to pen it.  He has taught me much in seasons of great joy and of glorious trials.  I owe and gladly surrender all to Him.  Long before I knew Him, He pursued me, and for the past half century has drawn me into His heart with cords of lovingkindness.  He has loved me perfectly and comforted me deeply.    

In laying a foundation for God’s story, I am going to hop around a bit rather than chronologically detailing major events from beginning to end.  Because the story continues as I write, I would like to briefly introduce myself to you at present.  I think of myself first as Mom, for I’ve devoted my love and energy to rearing three incredible children, my dearest friends.  I also consider myself a teacher, trained alongside my two daughters and son, whom I home educated.  By vocation, I am a registered nurse learning to walk in communion with Jesus in an Intensive Care Unit. 

As a new nurse working nights, my life resembles a kaleidoscope.  God creates with every rotation beautiful colorful patterns with the light of His life penetrating and reflecting off mine.  He has taught me to trust Him in the dark, and figuratively given me night vision at a time when my natural eyes grow dim.  His timing is perfect.  He has equipped me to flourish in and through the darkest night.  He amazes me!  My last child perches on the edge of the nest, his wings spread.  Soon I will live alone with God.  I thank Him for preparing me ahead to receive more of Him, and for giving me dreams to dream, His story to write, and time to drink in deeply the wine of life.

This week my middle daughter and her husband announced they are expecting their first child!!  Dreams indeed come true; my daughter a mom, me a grandmother!!  My heart brims.  God continually adds more jewels to my kaleidoscope, granting me the joy of knowing new facets of Him.  God’s story ripples on generation to generation.  All of His stories are good stories beginning and ending in eternal joy.  And, if you are like me, you love happily ever after endings, and sequels that command your interest.  God’s story delivers all the elements of a good story: a hero, danger (desperate circumstances), goals to work toward, an antagonist, and a climax.  I look forward to telling His story for His glory.

Rest in the shadow, Terry

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